About Curmans


About Curmans

Curmans Inspiration is rooted in the company that Mikael and Barbro Curman built together during a period of 30 years being a couple in private life as well as colleagues.

We unified in our strong belief that authentic meetings between people are necessary both in private life and in working life. The strength to work with this in practice came from our own close and life enhancing relationship. Mikael passed over in 2012. To the last moment he was very conscious, filled with love and humour and grateful for the life he had lived. In the same spirit our link has continued, now on a soul level, developing into a close cooperation between the dimensions.


 About Barbro Curman

Within Curmans Inspiration I bring together  my intense soul journeys over the latest fifteen years with all my professional years as Gestalt therapist, Organisational consultant and Educator into an integrated platform. In my inner journeys there is a certain connection in soul between Mikael and me. It has been quite demanding but also extremely rewarding in terms of meaning of life, harmony and love. Totally new perspectives have given me a deeper understanding of soul journeying and how many possibilities this is creating to us as human beings.

In soul journeying there are no shortcuts. When we gradually decide to listen to and follow our soul´s longing to come home, it means that we encounter ourselves in all our parts, even what we earlier had chosen to hide because it was too tough to us. Simultaneously, we are embraced by a love that conquers everything and creates meaning and joy. We are offered a possibility to widen our world and get access to other dimensions. In turn this gives inspiration and nourishment to our daily life on Earth.

With joy I am now ready to offer my gathered experiences to people who resonate with a longing to explore through starting their soul journey or deepening their inner journey. This is an existential choice that affects daily life all the more as you keep journeying and does so on many levels. Often a crisis in life becomes the start and almost every time it concerns to be true to our own voice deep inside. Those are situations when we might need support to dare to encounter ourselves in the process of taking a step from old habits and comfort.

In my books I have shared how my soul journeying has affected my daily life as well as my physical body. Choosing to gradually identify with our soul has consequences. I have received support along the path, so I know from within how helpful and sometimes decisive it has been. I have now transformed my own experiences into an ability to support others. My many years of experience as a professional therapist is a source of safety to my clients.

Professional training and experience

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • Gestalt Psychotherapist licensed by UKCP (United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy) – today not an active member
  • Couple- and family therapist
  • Organisational Consultant using Gestalt methodology as frame working with education, change management, leader-and team development, conflict solution etc

I was one of a small group of people who brought Gestalt to Sweden and founded The Gestalt Academy of Scandinavia in 1976. Since then I have been part of founding and leading several companies in which this methodology has been applied in working with Personal development and Organisational and Leadership development.